It's Brett Leake!


Motivational Humor/Standup and Speeches

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Motivational Inspirational Humor and Speeches for your Convention or Meeting - What Brett Does!

Brett has written 2½ hours of spoken word material comprising 90 minutes of clean, upbeat comedy and 60 minutes of light, funny stories. For conventions and meetings, he arranges the jokes and stories into presentations and speeches to suit the situation, address a theme and the needs of the client.

Brett can do a straight comedy set, one of his two humorous presentations, a workshop, or his one man show. He enjoys working with the meeting manager and blending the jokes and stories into a customized arrangement, a new whole. He can present a 45-60 minute keynote followed by a 50 minute workshop with no overlap in comedy or story.

Photo: Georgianne Stinnett

Sitdown Standup Comedy Show:

“Genius with a ‘J’”
Clean and Funny

 99% funny! + 1% new stuff * :
"It was funny in the car on the way over." *(Varies with show)
  • How to laugh off a long week and to celebrate a good time; a fun night out turns a tough day around.
  • Just the jokes -- clean and funny -- you’ve heard in comedy clubs, on public television, on the comedy CD, Genius with a J.

Clients include:Comedy club performances since 1983 and after dinner entertainment for, among others, the Department of Defense/Joint Forces Command, IBM, The Smithsonian Associates.


Funny Healthcare Keynote Speech

“At Least I've Got My Health”
Clean, Funny, and Life Affirming

 80% humor + 20% message 
  • How to manage stress to overcome challenges and broaden emotional well being.
  • This funny healthcare keynote speech consists of jokes plus health related stories.
  • Health stories we can choose from include chronic illness, brain injury, in-home care, traveling with a difference and how to identify abilities and raise the bar for peak success.

Clients include: US Department of Defense; US Treasury Department, Indian Health Service; Sydney (Australia) Children’s Hospital; Rural Health Association: National, Oklahoma, South Carolina; Virginia Association of Hospices; Wyoming Department of Health/Aging Division; The HUMOR Project

Funny Education Keynote Speech

“That's What We Get For Thinking… From Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens curans“

Clean, Funny, Life Affirming
and Yay Teacher!

 80% humor + 20% message 
  • How to motivate teachers to become ‘make a difference’, extra mile educators.
  • This funny educational keynote presentation includes 20 minutes of school jokes plus light storytelling about a supportive learning environment.
  • School stories include profiles of 3 teachers who model the thinking, caring beings we can become.

Clients include: National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, New York State Teachers Union, West Virginia Department of Education, Florida Special Education Teachers and Paraprofessionals, Virginia Department of Education, and, in Virginia, 25 city and county public school divisions… and counting.

Fun Workshop on How to Use Humor in Daily Life and at Work:

"Fun Gets Work Done"

  • How to have more fun and be more productive at home and at the office.
  • This workshop about humor is funny
  • I can do this 50 minute workshop as a follow-up to the educational keynote or the healthcare keynote.

Clients include: Tennesse MegaConference, The Myositis Association, Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks

Funny One Man Comedy Show in a Theater Near You:

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to ‘The Tonight Show’

  • How an out of work college graduate found a job when he discovered a passion.
  • I'm the leading man in a one man show. I play me, and it's a stretch.

Clients include: Gateway Theater in Waynesboro, Virginia; performance dates include shows in Washington DC, Sarasota, Florida, and Louisville, Kentucky:

Two frequently asked questions:

1) What is corporate comedy?

Corporate comedy is clean funny standup comedy plus light storytelling both of which break out humor and illustrate its instrumental use in conflict management, creative thinking, and transformational leadership. I include a story about customer service and how my experience as a consumer was enhanced when employees used humor to help.

2) Are there themes that run through all the stories?

Yes – Themes that run through all the stories include managing change, maintaining a positive attitude, creating humor cultures.

Caring about how we think can evolve into thinking about how to most effectively care.

Caring about how we think and thinking about how to care both arise from the “the things in life that don’t make sense” and each is most effectively treated using humor.


Whether straight stand up or a humor based presentation, your program will feel upbeat, can-do, and life affirming.

Above is a one minute video showcasing the sound of fun in store for your group.

Brett Leake!
 1-866-FUNY-GUY (1-866-386-9489)
 Book/E-Mail Brett
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